Croydon Relief in Need

Croydon Relief in Need (CRiN) was established to provide financial assistance for people who are in need by reason of poverty or hardship, age, disability or other disadvantage, and who are resident in the London Borough of Croydon.

CRiN derives its funds from the Croydon Almshouse Charities, and our Committee meets quarterly to make decisions on how to distribute the funds fairly to best meet the needs of local people. Our Grant-making Policy can be downloaded here.

Our funds have been used in a variety of ways, for example providing recreational equipment, refurbishing facilities, counselling and mentoring projects. We can also support individuals with small one-off grants. Our aim is to provide support widely across the London Borough of Croydon.

For further information and an application form, see our How to Apply page.

The difference our grants have made for Croydon residents:

(Please click to open out each quote)

"Thanks to the CRiN fund we were able to respond to 104 ‘Community Tech Support’ requests for Croydon residents virtually, on the door-step and in the home. These people now are more confident accessing the support networks and services they needed during the pandemic.

The CRiN fund has enabled us to resume our Tea and tech social events – with the aim of helping people access NHS Service digitally. 31 learners joined in and a productive time was had by all."

"As a result of the CRiN funding, we have been able to provide individual and group support to people experiencing homelessness in Croydon to help them improve their mental health and wellbeing."

"As a result of the CRiN funding we have been able to get 100 arrival packs and 50 sleep packs to vulnerable separated children and young people in Croydon. The arrival packs include essential clothing and toiletries for the first few weeks in the UK and the sleep packs are designed to help children sleep peacefully again after their long, traumatic journeys."

CRiN funding has meant Croydon Vision can provide IT support to visually impaired people as well as opportunities to learn new skills:

"It’s fantastic having someone coming out to help me, I can now keep in contact with my family."
– Steven

"Thank you so much for organising the French sessions, I really enjoy them and have learnt so much in a class with others!""
- Claire

"As a result of the CRiN funding, REUK has been able to provide young refugees and asylum seekers with a volunteer educational mentor. Our mentors give young people a real chance to achieve and reach their goals."

Since 2000 we have awarded over 375 grants

Please click here to open table of all the groups.
